Phone: 940-274-2585


Degrees and Certifications:

BA English ELA 7-12

Ms. Amanda Dinnean

Welcome Bulldogs! My name is Amanda Dinnean and I am the Honors English 2, English 2, and Reading 1&2 teacher for the 2024-2025 School Year! I'm so excited to spend the year with you all again! Below is my contact information, my hyperlinked syllabus, and lesson plans.




  • Millsap ISD's Secondary Grading Policy is as follows:

    Millsap Secondary Schools 

    Student Handbook 

    Appendix #2: Millsap ISD Secondary Grading Guidelines, 2023-2024 


    Student grades should be designed to reflect the mastery of the content by the student. Teachers will work to deliver high quality instruction and give assignments that will allow the student to display that he/she has mastered that content. The following guidelines were developed to provide a framework for teachers to ensure grades are reflective of student attainment of the learning concepts. 

    Considerations of Implementation 

    These guidelines have been developed and reviewed by various stakeholder groups including students, teachers, parents, counselors, and administrators at all campus levels. As the stakeholders developed and revised the guidelines, it was acknowledged that MISD Grading Guidelines will only be as effective as the fidelity of implementation. There will be a common expectation for each stakeholder group and campus to implement the guidelines with fidelity. Future stakeholder input will be collected at regular intervals and utilized to consider any needed guideline revisions. 

    Grades 6-12: Students will receive an overall percentage score on their report card. 70 and above will be considered passing. 70-79 reflects adequate progress, 80-89 reflects strong progress, and 90-100 reflects excellent progress. High School students enrolled in Pre-AP, AP, and/or Dual Credit courses will receive a weighted grade for GPA calculation established by board policy. 

    Each class or content area will have a minimum of 10 grades per six weeks. Any one grade or project may not count for more than 30% of the overall grading period grade. Major grades and daily grades will be weighted as 50% each for the total grade for regular classes. Secondary schools will weight honors courses at 60% for major grades and 40% for daily grades. 

    Parent Notification: Teachers will be responsible to initiate a two-way communication with parents when the student average falls below a 70% and again at the 3rd and 5th week of the six weeks, if the student's average is below 70%. Once an assignment or test is collected, teachers will have up to 5 school days to record the grade in the electronic gradebook. 

    Parents and students are encouraged to consider signing up for Parent Portal, which provides an ongoing notification system of the student's grades and attendance. 

    Corrections/Retest: Students who earn a failing grade on a major grade or assignment will have the opportunity to retake or correct that test/assignment, excluding semester and final exams. Students retaking a test or assignment may attend a tutorial session scheduled with a teacher, before completing the corrections/retake. A student will have up to 3 school days to correct the assignment and/or retake test, once the initial grade has been entered in the electronic gradebook. 

    Page 1 

    Millsap Secondary Schools 

    Student Handbook 

    Late Work: An assignment is considered late when a student is NOT absent on the due date of an assignment, but fails to turn in the assignment on the due date. The following guidelines will be invoked when a student turns in a late assignment. 

    A student cannot correct late work for an enhanced grade. 

    Late work will only be accepted up to 3 days after the assignment was initially due. If an assignment is not turned in after the 3rd day, this will be considered 

    a student discipline concern and will be handled as such. 

    Each day an assignment is late, ten points will be deducted from the overall grade. 

    Day 1 Late Highest grade a student can earn is 90%. 

    Day 2 Late - Highest grade a student can earn is 80%.

    Day 3 Late - Highest grade a student can earn is 70%. 

    Student Absence: Students who are absent from school will be given adequate time to complete the missing work. If students are aware of their absence in advance, they are encouraged to get the work from his/her teacher in advance of the absence. Students will be given a minimum of the number of days absent plus one, to make up work missed. For example, a student who was absent three days will be given a minimum of four days to turn in the make-up work. The type of absence will not factor in to this timeline. The teacher has the discretion to allow more days depending on circumstances. 

    See Millsap Secondary Student Handbook for more on student absences and make-up work

    Semester Grade Calculations: Semester grades are calculated by adding each six weeks grade twice and the semester exam grade once and dividing by 7. Therefore, each six weeks grade counts 2/7 of the semester average and the semester exam counts 1/7 of the semester average. 

    ** All legal accommodations and modifications supersede Grading Guidelines