METCA Tier 3 facilitates the student development of 21st Century skills.  While METCA Tier 1 assessed the minimum technology competencies desired, METCA Tier 2 and Tier 3 seek to promote technology competencies in students, as determined by the International Society for Technology in Education.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon teachers to introduce, teach, use, and assess technology standards in the learning environment.  '

    An educator who develops a technology enriched environment 70% - 100% of the time is said to function at METCA Tier 3. That is not to say that the educator always uses technology tools. It means that in some way, the teacher or student observes educational technology standards conducive to promote 21st Century skills acquisition 70% - 100% of the time.  The SAMR (substitution, augmentation, Modification, and Redesign) Model, the four Cs (collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking) model, and Technological Pedagogy Content Knowledge (TPACK) Model are all models that serve as components necessary to ensure the facilitation of technology competencies in students.


    METCA Tier Rubric 

    SAMR Model Video

    Four Cs Model Video

    TPACK Video